Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As I ponder the new year, I think about my post from last year. Last year I posted that I don't make any lofty plans for the year. That I just focus on my priorities. These are the same: My God first, family second and great service for our business third. I have also been thinking about what changes I need to make in which to make my life a little less stressful (because of fibromyalgia and other physical challenges). I will have news about the business in a couple of weeks. I am blessed with this opportunity to have a family business, but there are also challenges that I am not able to keep up with. I have learned a lot over the past two years, things that have been good and things that have been real eye openers. I will be in prayer, and seek God's will for my family business. May you have a blessed new year. For now, Lori Gluten Free Life http://www.gflife.com Gluten Free Life on facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Gluten-Free-Life/133042083415140